A place for
stories about heart-centered living, the deep value of community, + a plethora of ancient modern wisdom.
Energy report April 2021
The incoming waves of light energy this month and in the months ahead are accelerating and changing our perception of time. Many of you are starting to feel the quickening of time very consciously. Everything is in a transformation of
Energy forecast March 2021
We have moved into the new cycle. March, like February, is an energetically highly charged month. Although the world seems to be moving deeper into duality and separation, this month (as in past months) we can experience an energy of
February forecast 2021
The Chinese New Year this month brings the energy of a new cycle. Even if changes are not yet noticeable, there is a deep awareness of a new beginning. Many will feel profound clarity about themselves, their unique way forward,
January forecast 2021
Since the December solstice, the frequency has changed to a greater degree and timelines have collapsed even further, which can feel like time has sped up. This leads to deeper healing, transformation and awakening. This month can feel huge for
New Year’s reflection and vision
As we enter a new year in the Gregorian calendar, many feel called to review the past year, reflect on what they are grateful for, want to let go of, and wish to carry into the new year to create
December forecast 2020
We are nearing the end of the year. A year that has been challenging for most and unfolded in ways that no one could have imagined. The unpredictability of these times has triggered deep stirring and awakening in every one