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Element of Earth – divine feminine

Traditionally this element of the 5 elements represents the ultimately divine feminine principle – the Mother Goddess from whom all like comes and returns. She represents fertility, strength and is constantly transforming as a way of honouring Nature’s changes. ⁠

An embodied and balancing Earth element allows us to find nourishment within and to feel empathy and appreciation for ourselves – resolving the external need for nourishment and love. We then can embrace and honour our core Self -, feeling deeply grounded and connected with our core essence.⁠
We feel inspired and in clarity about our purpose and heart mission and are capable of receiving and giving unconditionally from our heart. ⁠

For only true giving allows us to support others with integrity and love without giving away our energy.

Namaste. x

Energy forecast March 2021

We have moved into the new cycle. March, like February, is an energetically highly charged month. Although the world seems to be moving deeper into duality and separation, this month (as in past months) we

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February forecast 2021

The Chinese New Year this month brings the energy of a new cycle. Even if changes are not yet noticeable, there is a deep awareness of a new beginning. Many will feel profound clarity about

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January forecast 2021

Since the December solstice, the frequency has changed to a greater degree and timelines have collapsed even further, which can feel like time has sped up. This leads to deeper healing, transformation and awakening. This

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