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Reawakening Our Feminine Energy and Aligning with Our Natural Rhythms

A new cycle

This cycle invites us to embrace our feminine energy more fully. We have lived in a paradigm dominated by yang, masculine energy, where discipline, willpower, structure, and a mind-driven life were prioritised. Now, we are being called to return to a more balanced state—one where we listen deeply, receive, and attune ourselves to the wisdom of our bodies, hearts, and souls, creating a state of heart-mind coherence.

Honouring our natural rhythms and embracing playfulness

This also means honouring our natural rhythms, which may change with the seasons, life circumstances, or our inner state. Whether working intensely, navigating challenges, or simply moving through different phases of life, our needs shift—and we must allow ourselves the flexibility to adapt our routines and how we live. True well-being comes from this deep attunement, from learning to trust our body’s and heart’s wisdom rather than forcing our lives into rigid expectations imposed by the mind.

Above all, playfulness and flexibility are essential at this time, especially in a rapidly changing and increasingly unpredictable world. We must invite more joy, spontaneity, and freedom into all aspects of our lives while cultivating balance, safety, and trust within ourselves. Only then can we break out of old structures and create space for exploration, experimentation, and simply being.

My personal experience

I want to share a personal example with you that may also resonate with your journey. For many years, I followed a structured and disciplined approach, primarily guided by my mind. This was especially true regarding movement and eating habits. It started with going to the gym and running, and later, I began with dedicated Ashtanga Yoga practice, which has been part of my daily routine for over 12 years.

I still absolutely love Ashtanga and practice almost daily. However, I have realised that my body and soul also crave something different. Letting go of rigidity in all aspects of my life has been, and at times still is, very challenging, as I have always had an “all or nothing” mindset. Additionally, I struggled for many years with body image, which only reinforced the difficulty of releasing rigid exercise and eating habits.

The shifting needs of my body, mind and soul

However, my needs at all levels of my being have shifted in the last few years. Once again, I find myself entering a new cycle, attuned and in deeper communication with my body, soul and heart. With that, I feel an emerging longing for more playfulness and softness rooted in my yin-feminine energy of receptivity.
We all will experience this shift in our way in this new cycle.

While I still have a daily morning and evening routine, I now allow for more variety. I’m learning to listen even more intuitively to what my body, mind, and soul need each day. Sometimes, that means doing fewer asanas, meditating longer, or practising more pranayama. On other days, it means going for a hike, a jog, or a gentle walk in nature. And sometimes, I dance in my living room, do strength training, snowboard, enjoy a sauna, or book a massage.

As mentioned, this shift extends to other areas of my life, including food, work, and my overall approach to daily living. I feel a new way of being is emerging, inviting more flexibility, receptivity, and flow. I’m still re-learning to listen more deeply and to release the constant “I have to” or “I should.” Instead, I have started asking myself: What would serve me best today? What do my body, mind, and soul need right now? How can I be of the best service to myself and all today?

The unlearning of patterns and habits

I’m unlearning patterns shaped by adopted beliefs—beliefs that told me, ‘This is how things must be done’—beliefs that have been tied to judgment, shame, and a disconnection from my body and heart. These rigid habits gave me a sense of control and safety for years. Now, I feel this safety and trust arising from within more deeply. With this deeper embodiment of my-Self, I’m learning to honour and listen to what feels most nourishing in each moment—what truly moves me from my heart, soul, and inner guidance. And yet, this shift still provides me with a clear focus each day, allowing me to move through my tasks more creatively and joyfully. This transformation teaches me to embrace my feminine energy in new ways—the energy of stillness, receptivity, and embodied wisdom—allowing me to live in harmony with my inner cycles and rhythms.

Questions to reflect on

Can you listen to your body’s needs without judgment and let go of t your “shoulds”? Can you allow yourself to move through your daily routines with more joy and playfulness? What do you feel is no longer aligned with your body, mind, and soul needs?

Heightened Sensitivity and changing reality

Reality, both individually and collectively, is rapidly evolving, catching many people unprepared for these rapid transformations.  From an energetic perspective, we find ourselves in a pivotal moment on Earth, where we are awakening to deeper

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