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Full Moon Musings & reminder for the weeks ahead

A beautiful Full-Moon message 🌕

A beautiful Full-Moon message for you, expressed through affirmations.

Your affirmations

  • Several times a day, I pause to take a deep breath, letting go of my busy thoughts and returning to the present moment.
  • I consciously connect with my body, tapping into the wisdom inherent within—my divine essence.
  • I honour, cherish, and nurture my body, recognising it as the beautiful vessel that allows me to experience this human life and serves as the home for my heart and soul.
  • I give myself permission to say no when my heart and body say no.
  • I give myself permission to say yes wholeheartedly when every cell in my body aligns with that yes.
  • I allow myself the time I need to consider decisions, trusting my inner guidance deeply.
  • I fully embrace who I am, honouring all the different aspects that make me uniquely me.
  • I recognise that I am responsible for my own life and well-being.
  • I accept that I can not change others, but I have the free will to choose my path with love in my heart—whether that means staying or moving on.
  • I am learning to embrace the ebb and flow of life. I understand that everything in this physical reality is rooted in polarity, yet I choose to focus on the aspects that nurture my growth and bring me peace.
  • I feel safe experiencing all my emotions and feelings, knowing they are essential to this human journey. I am open to embracing them fully and listening to their messages without avoidance or attachment.
  • I remind myself to laugh at the contradictions of life, knowing that humour lightens everything.
  • I embrace rest and open myself to joy, beauty, and abundance in my life.
  • I also remind myself to look up at the night sky and its beautiful stars, which help me regain perspective and balance.
  • I acknowledge that true safety and trust come from within. This understanding helps me embrace life’s uncertainties, as I am anchored within my heart, equipped to face life with my inner strength.
  • I am love, and I am at peace with who I am. I cherish and celebrate my unique self with all its layers, recognising it as my gift to myself and to the world. 

Ways to work with affirmations

Choose the affirmations that resonate with you the most, and make it a daily practice to absorb, feel, and embody them fully. You can also read them out loud everyday at last 3 times.

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