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Water-Element – to know our real Self.

Mother Earth and each of us, consists primarily of water. In many cultures, it is often viewed as the source of life itself.

Holding the qualities of fertility, flow, nourishment, wisdom, and purity transmit infinite wisdom throughout Earth and the Cosmos – helping us to remember our Truth, infinity and oneness. 

According to the teachings of the 5 elements, water inhabits 2 challenges; to know our ‘real self and to manifest our fullest potential with wisdom. Wisdom not drawn from intellectual knowledge but, from within by knowing oneself and realising God within.

Use this affirmation daily for the next week – at least 3 times throughout the day.

How does it feel within your body?

What comes up for you?

What is your relationship to the element of water and its virtues?

Take daily notes. 

Element of Earth – divine feminine

Traditionally this element of the 5 elements represents the ultimately divine feminine principle – the Mother Goddess from whom all like comes and returns. She represents fertility, strength and is constantly transforming as a way

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Our pain of separation and discrimination

Separation synonyms: Disunion, detachment, disconnectionThe action or state of moving or being moved apart. A situation in which two or more people or things are separated.Hierarchysynonyms: systematizationA system in which people or things are put at

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Element of Metal – honouring thyself

“Loneliness does not come from having no people, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible.” If you are struggling with

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